Puppymills - information about puppymills and how to shut them down. Pet friendly hoteles

Hundreds of thousands of dogs suffer in puppymills in this country. They are prisoners of greed. The dogs are locked in small cages. They freeze in the winter and swelter in the summer. They never get out of their prisons. They are bred over and over again until they die. The only way to free them from their misery is to eliminate the demand for puppies by refusing to buy a puppy in a petstore and boycotting those stores that sell puppies. When the demand ends, the misery will end. The state and federal governments do not enforce the laws to protect the dogs. The commercial breeders and brokers have huge well-funded lobbying efforts. Please join this fight to free the prisoners of greed. The only person who is going to make a difference for these dogs is you. You, the people, can free them.

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